Sending an Estimate

Quickly send a quote to your customer before accepting a job.

On the Web

  1. Log into GoSite

  2. Select “Estimates” on the left side of the screen

  3. Click “New Estimate” on the top right corner

  4. Under "Bill To" select the customer you wish to send the invoice. You can also enter a phone number or email address and a new contact will automatically be created

  5. Decide how you want to send the estimate and how long it will be valid. You can also choose to send the estimate immediately or schedule it for later. NOTE If you wish to send the invoice via SMS and Email, please ensure that all of the appropriate contact information is filled out under "Bill To."

  6. Add in your line items - you can add as many as you want!

  7. Add in any attachments you’d like and click “Review Estimate”

  8. Click “Send Estimate” to send an estimate to your customer