Updating Your Main Business Image

Adding or changing your main business photo or logo from GoSite updates the image on Google My Business & Facebook Business.

Have a new logo or image you'd like to use to represent your business online? You can change your main business photo on your Google My Business page and on your Facebook Business page from GoSite. This article will show you how to upload a new business photo from GoSite on your computer.

Updating your main business image from your computer

  1. Log in to GoSite from your computer.

  2. Click the profile icon in the top right corner.

  3. Select "Manage My Business."

  4. Make sure you're in the "General Information" section.

  5. Under "Business Information," click the "Upload Photo" button.

    1. Select a previously uploaded photo photo from "My Images."

      1. Click on the photo you would like to use to select it. Once selected it will be highlighted in blue with a checkmark.

      2. Click the "Continue" button.

      3. Crop the image by clicking and dragging a corner or side to adjust.

      4. Click the "Crop & Save" button to save your changes, or click the "Use Original" button to use the auto-generated selection.

    2. Select and upload a new image from your computer.

      1. Click the "Upload Image" button.

      2. Locate the image file on your computer.

      3. Click the file you would like to upload to select it.

      4. Click the "Open" button.

      5. Your image will be uploaded to the "My Images" section.

      6. Click on the photo you would like to use to select it. Once selected it will be highlighted in blue with a checkmark.

      7. Click the "Continue" button.

      8. Crop the image by clicking and dragging a corner or side to adjust.

      9. Click the "Crop & Save" button to save your changes, or click the "Use Original" button to use the auto-generated selection.


    3. Drag and drop a file.

      1. Open the image file you would like to upload from your computer.

      2. Click on the file and drag it into the "Drop files here" area.

      3. Your image will be uploaded to the "My Images" section.

      4. Click on the photo you would like to use to select it. Once selected it will be highlighted in blue with a checkmark.

      5. Click the "Continue" button.

      6. Crop the image by clicking and dragging a corner or side to adjust.

      7. Click the "Crop & Save" button to save your changes, or click the "Use Original" button to use the auto-generated selection.

    4. Upload a photo from a social media account.

      1. Click "My Social Images" in the top left.

      2. Connect to Google to choose a photo from your Google My Business page.

      3. Connect to Facebook to choose a photo from your Facebook business page.

        You can upload your image a few different ways:

    Your changes will be saved when you navigate away from the "General Information" page.

    Once you have chosen a photo, it will be updated on your business profile photo on your Google My Business page and on your Facebook Business page.=

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