Updating Your Customer-Facing Email Address & Phone Number

How to update the contact info on your website, Google My Business page, and Facebook Business page

This article will show you how to update the email address and phone number in the "Manage My Business" section of your dashboard. Updating your email address and phone number in this section of GoSite will update the contact info on:

  • your Website

  • your Google My Business page

  • your Facebook Business page

Note: To update the email address and phone number associated with your GoSite account (the email address you use to sign in to GoSite, the email address that GoSite email notifications are sent to, and the phone number to which calls to your auto-generated phone number will direct to), check out Updating the Email Address & Phone Number Associated with Your GoSite Account.

If you would like to update the email address and/or phone number that GoSite uses to contact you, contact help@gosite.com.

Updating your customer-facing business email address and phone number

The below instructions will show you how to update the email address and phone number on your website, Google My Business page, and Facebook Business page.

  1. Log in to GoSite from your computer.

  2. Click the profile icon in the top right corner.

  3. Select "Manage My Business."

  4. Make sure you're in the "General Information" section.

  5. Under "Contact" you can edit the text under both "Email" and "Phone."

    The changes you make to this section will be saved once you navigate away from the "General Information" page.

    Making changes in this section will update the email and/or phone number listed on your website (in the header and anywhere the ‘Business Info’ widget is incorporated), Google My Business page (if connected to GoSite), and Facebook Business page (if connected to GoSite).

Still need help?

Visit us at gosite.com to chat, or email us at help@gosite.com.