Updating Your Business Address

Changing your address in GoSite will update it on your Google my Business & Facebook Business pages, website, and Booking tools

Need to update your business address? You can change the business address on your Google My Business page, Facebook Business page, your website, and in your Booking tool all from GoSite. This article will show you how to update your business address from GoSite on your computer.

Updating your business address from your computer

  1. Log in to GoSite from your computer.

  2. Click the profile icon in the top right corner.

  3. Select "Manage My Business."

  4. Make sure you're in the "General Information" section.

  5. Under "Location" you can edit the text for your:

    1. Address

    2. City

    3. State

    4. Zip code

    Any changes made to the above text fields will be reflected on your Google My Business page (if connected), on your Facebook Business page (if connected), on your website, and in your Booking tool.

    Note: Google may require you to re-verify the new address. For more information on Google My Business profile verification, check out Google Help Article: Verify Your Business on Google.

  6. Click the button next to "Location" to change it from "Address is Private" to "Address is Public," or vice versa.

    Note: Making changes to your address privacy status will update your Facebook Business page, your website, and your Booking tool.


  7. Check the box next to "We provide service at customer location" if you provide services at your customer's location. Uncheck the box if you do not.

    Note: Making changes to whether or not you provide service at customers' locations will be reflected on your Facebook Business page.

  8. Navigate away from the "General Information" page to save your changes.

Still need help?

Visit us at gosite.com to chat, or email us at help@gosite.com.