Sending Text Message Reminders to Customers for Scheduled Appointments

How to edit your SMS reminder default settings and make edits to individual booking reminders

Sending friendly text reminders to your customers about their appointments is a great way to keep all parties in touch, on time, and on track.

This article will show you how to adjust the default text reminder settings for the Booking tool and how to customize a text message reminder time for a specific booking from GoSite on your computer.

Table of Contents

Updating your default text message reminder settings for the Booking tool

  1. Log in to GoSite on your computer.

  2. Select "Booking" from the menu on the left.

  3. Click the Settings button in the top right.

  4. Under "Default Reminder Time" you can add and remove the defaults.

    Click the red trash can icon to remove a reminder time.

    Click the plus sign icon to add a new reminder time.

    Type in the timeframe in which you would like your customers to be reminded by text before their appointment with you. The first two numbers represent hours, and the second two represent minutes.


    In the below example, 24:00 = 24 hours before the scheduled appointment, 01:00 = 1 hour before the scheduled appointment, and 00:30 = 30 minutes before the scheduled appointment.

  5. Your changes will be updated automatically.

Customizing text message reminder times in a new booking

  1. Log in to GoSite on your computer.

  2. Select "Booking" from the menu on the left.

  3. Click the "Add Booking" button in the top right.

  4. Fill in the booking details.

  5. Scroll down to the "Appointment" section.

  6. Click "Add reminder time."

  7. The default text reminder times will be displayed.

  8. Click the red trash can icon to remove a reminder time.

    Click the plus sign icon to add a new reminder time.

    When adding a new reminder time, type in the timeframe in which you would like your customers to be reminded by text before their appointment with you. The first two number fields represent hours, and the second two represent minutes.


    In the example above in step 6, 24:00 = 24 hours before the scheduled appointment, 01:00 = 1 hour before the scheduled appointment, and 00:30 = 30 minutes before the scheduled appointment.


  9. Click the blue "Update Booking" button to save your changes.

Customizing text message reminder times for an existing booking

  1. Log in to GoSite on your computer.

  2. Select "Booking" from the menu on the left.

  3. Open the booking you would like to update.

    You can either click on the booking to open the details on the right side of your screen and click the pencil icon, or also have the option to click the "Manage" drop-down menu in list view and select "Edit."

  4. Scroll down to the "Appointment" section.

  5. Click "Add reminder time."

  6. The default text reminder times will be displayed.

  7. Click the red trash can icon to remove a reminder time.

    Click the plus sign icon to add a new reminder time.

    When adding a new reminder time, type in the timeframe in which you would like your customers to be reminded by text before their appointment with you. The first two number fields represent hours, and the second two represent minutes.

    In the example above in step 6, 24:00 = 24 hours before the scheduled appointment, 01:00 = 1 hour before the scheduled appointment, and 00:30 = 30 minutes before the scheduled appointment.


  8. Click the blue "Update Booking" button to save your changes.


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