MULTI-LOCATION: Adding Managers to the Partner Portal

Granting your employees access to manage all location/business dashboards with GoSite

Adding managers to the GoSite Partner Portal allows them to perform the following actions for all locations:

  • Send review requests to customers

  • Monitor and respond to messages

Note: If you would like to add a manager to a specific business or location, check out Adding a Manager to a Specific Business or Location's GoSite Dashboard.

Adding a manager to the Partner Portal

  1. Log in to GoSite on your computer.

  2. Select “Managers” from the menu on the left.

  3. Click the “Add Manager” button in the top right corner.

  4. Fill out the required fields and select which locations you would like the manager to have access to.

    Note: Be sure to include a valid email address since an invitation link will be sent to the user for them to set up their password for their login credentials.

  5. Click “Add manager” to save the user’s information and send an invitation by email.

    The manager you invited will receive a time-sensitive link they will need to use to set a password and finalize the setup of their account.

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