What is Stripe for GoSite?

Learn how Stripe for GoSite can supercharge your business

Did you know that Stripe has processed nearly 90% of all personal credit cards? Odds are you’ve used it in a few of your purchases, so why not integrate Stripe into your business transactions?

Our payment processing partner, Stripe, operates on a global scale. It allows for the secure and efficient processing of multiple payment methods. Stripe enables business owners to accept payments from credit or debit cards, bank payments, digital wallets, and any other payment methods— for a minimal fee.


When a customer opts to pay for your services through a credit card or digital wallet, you’ll need a payment processor to receive those funds; that’s where Stripe for GoSite comes in handy. Stripe offers a complete solution for all your payment needs – a payment processing platform and a credit card payment gateway, making it one of the best options to manage your payment needs across channels.

How does Stripe work?

Your GoSite Payments tool allows you to have immediate access to Stripe, which handles the steps from when a customer inputs their card information, to processing payments until the funds are transferred into your account.

Here's how Stripe for GoSite works:

  • When you create a Stripe account or link an existing Stripe account for your business in the GoSite dashboard, the Stripe software automatically connects to the GoSite Payments tool.

  • To start processing payments, you can send payment links to your customers from your dashboard. Once your customers receive the link via email or text, they can input their card information in a secure portal.

  • Stripe sends this information to the bank to process the transaction on your behalf. Stripe users will not need to set up a merchant account since Stripe will serve as the merchant with you as a sub-merchant in this step.

  • The details will enter Stripe’s secure payment gateway, which encrypts the data for the safety and security of your customers.

  • Stripe’s payment processing platform will verify that the funds are available and process the payment.

  • If accepted, a confirmation of sale will be sent to you and the customer. You can then either manually or automatically transfer funds from Stripe into your business bank account!

It’s important to note that Stripe customers receive payouts only when transactions have finished processing which takes one to two business days. After your first completed transaction, you can schedule automatic payouts daily, weekly, or monthly.

Who uses Stripe?

Stripe is a game-changer for businesses that previously only accepted payments in cash or check. With Stripe, businesses can conveniently start accepting digital payment methods such as credit or debit cards, bank transfers, and mobile wallets.

Stripe is known to provide secure and efficient multiple payment method transactions. In addition, Stripe developed industry-leading tools that innovated the payment platform—establishing itself as a highly regarded resource by online companies such as Lyft, Amazon, and Pinterest.

Is it safe to use Stripe?

Stripe implements advanced security features, as all online transactions occur over a secure HTTPS network. For instance, your customers’ and your business' financial information are encrypted separately during transactions, keeping both information private and secure.

Plus, you no longer have to worry about your PCI compliance requirements, penalties, and fees! Since Stripe is also audited and certified as a PCI Level 1 service provider, as set forth by the PCI Security Standards Council, utilizing Stripe for GoSite will ensure PCI compliance, without all the hassle.

When evaluating digital payment platforms, regulatory compliance and secure transactions are not the only criteria you should look for. As you take your business online, vulnerability to security breaches is a factor to consider. Stripe uses advanced data encryption to make sure your account is secure. All fraudulent transactions are automatically flagged and blocked. Further, a combination of spending limits and merchant controls on cardholders plays a significant factor in minimizing and preventing exposure to fraudulent activities.

Ready to start using Stripe for GoSite?


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