Changing the Bank Account Associated With Your Payments Tool

How and when to properly submit updated bank information for the Payments tool

Do you need to change the bank account connected to your GoSite Payments tool?

Avoid payment delays and other processing issues due to outdated banking information by following these simple steps.

Please keep in mind, this process is for your GoSite Payments tool ONLY. The bank information here does not pertain to your subscription with GoSite. To change the payment method for your GoSite subscription, please click HERE.

Note: If you are closing out the old bank account associated with the Payments tool, please make sure you update us with the NEW bank account information BEFORE you close out the old bank account.

Changing Your Bank Account Associated with the Payments Tool

  1. Download the Bank Change Form from CardConnect, GoSite's processing partner.

  2. Enter all necessary information. Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

  3. With this form, please provide:

    1. A photo/copy of your ID

    2. A voided check or bank letter

      Note: The voided check should be for the bank account you want associated with the Payments tool (where you will receive deposits and transaction fees). Make sure this check has the business owner's name and business address on the check.

  4. Check the appropriate box in the form displayed below. Your selection will determine how your processing fees will be separated from your incoming payment deposits. Most business owners select the first option. The first option checked below is the most common. This option states that the merchant (you) wants both PAYMENT DEPOSITS and PROCESSING FEES.

    Note: If you prefer to have your processing fees taken from a separate account other than your payment deposits, you will want to fill this form out twice. One for the deposits account (mark Option 2) and one for the processing fees account (mark Option 3).

  5. Once you've filled out the form, created a copy of your ID and your voided check or bank letter, please email all three documents to