Adding Your Service Areas to GoSite (for Service-Based Businesses)

Tell your customers which zip codes you provide services in

If you run a service-based business, adding your service area to GoSite will set your service area radius for your Google My Business page (if connected).

It's important to note that Google has specific guidelines and restrictions for the service areas you are able to list on your Google My Business page. Before updating your "Business Area" information, always consult Google's resources on their guidelines, or contact Google Support. Below are some links to Google Support articles you might find helpful:

Note: Updating your Business Area information is currently only available from GoSite on your computer, and Google currently has a 20-zip code limit.

Adding your service area to GoSite from your computer

  1. Log in to GoSite on your computer.

  2. Click the profile icon in the top right.

  3. Select "Manage My Business."

  4. Under "General Information," scroll down to "Business Area."

  5. To add a zip code where your business provides services, click the "+ Click to Add" button.

  6. Type a city name and zip code into the fields.

  7. Check the box for "Home Delivery" if you provide services at your customer's location.

  8. Click the "+ Add another" button if you would like to add another zip code.

  9. Click the "Save" button to save your changes.

  10. Google reviews all changes to your Google My Business page before approving and publishing them, so your service areas may take up to 48 hours to sync to your Google My Business page.

    Important note: Be careful not to change your service area radius too often, as Google may flag this as suspicious activity and suspend your Google My Business page as a result.

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