Updating the Email Address & Phone Number Associated with Your GoSite Account

How to update your sign-in email, the email to which notifications are sent, and the phone # calls to your auto-generated # are directed to

This article will show you how to update the email address and phone number in the "My Account" section of your dashboard. Changing and verifying the email address in the "My Account" section of your GoSite dashboard will update:

  • the email address you use to sign in to GoSite

  • the email address that GoSite email notifications are sent to (learn more about this by checking out Verifying Your Phone Number)

Note: If you would like to update the email address and/or phone number that GoSite uses to contact you, contact [email protected] .

To update your customer-facing email address and phone number (the contact info on your website, Google My Business page, and Facebook Business page), check out Updating Your Customer-Facing Email Address & Phone Number.

Updating the email address and phone number associated with your GoSite account

Note: It is very important to ensure that both your email address and phone number are verified in order to continue to be able to log in and avoid missing any notification emails or phone calls.

  1. Log in to GoSite from your computer.

  2. Click the profile icon in the top right corner.

  3. Select "My Account."

  4. Make sure you are in the "My Profile" section.

  5. Under "My Profile" you can edit the text under both "Email" and "Phone."

  6. Click the "Update" button to save your changes.

    If you update your phone number you will be prompted to verify your new number by text (for more detailed instructions, check out Verifying Your Phone Number). If you choose to skip this step, the number will revert back to your most recent verified phone number.

    If you update your email address the email address status will change to "Not Verified."

    1. Click the red "Not Verified" button by the email section to verify your new email.

    2. You will be prompted to submit your new email address for verification. You will receive a verification email. Follow the prompts.

    Once your phone number and email address have been successfully verified, each will show a green "Verified" icon.

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